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Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana, also known as Hannah Montana Forever for the fourth season, is an American musical comedy series created by Michael Poryes, Rich Correll, and Barry O'Brien which focused on Miley Stewart (portrayed by Miley Cyrus), a teenager living a double life as an average schoolgirl by day and a famous recording artist Hannah Montana by night. It follows the day-to-day life of Miley, her brother and friends while also starring Cyrus' country singer father Billy Ray Cyrus as her dad.
The series, produced by It's a Laugh Productions and Michael Poryes Productions, premiered on Disney Channel on March 24, 2006 and concluded on January 16, 2011 after airing four seasons and ninety-eight episodes.
Genre: Sitcom, Teen sitcom, Musical comedy.
Years active: 2006 - 2011